Ridders Of Nutex – A Gateway To Adventure.

Some ride to remember and some ride to forget. While there are numerous reasons why someone choose riding as their passion, but it is quite certain, that riding adds adventure to one’s life which is why our youth today has become more fond of riding.

Riders are adventurous spirits. How we, as a brand, see a ‘Rider’ could be best described through the famous lines of the song ‘Riders On The Storm’, Song by The Doors.

Riders On The Storm By The Doors.

“Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Into this house, we’re born
Into this world, we’re thrown
Like a dog without a bone
An actor out on loan
Riders on the storm”

Nutex as a healthy snacks brand, realizes its importance, and the position it plays in the life of every rider. Nutex has been associated with various riding communities of Bengal. Our founder Devdutt Das is travelling all across Bengal, to promote the Nutex Energy Bars among the regional rider groups.

At the Grand Canyon of Bengal, Gangani. Devdutt Das our Founder, CEO (on the Left), holding the Nutex Flag with his rider group on an adventure ride.

When it comes to snacking, a rider has to go through a great deal of pain. There are barely any healthy snacking options available for the riding community. When a rider goes out for riding, all they get as snacks choice in the highways are commonly non nutritious and unhealthy Chips, Cakes, Chocolates and Candies. Generally, at the roadside Dhabas they are often served with unhygienic, spicy and oily foods which degrades the quality of ride.

Nutex comes in rescue to such crisis in the rider’s journey, solving the problem of healthy convenient snacking. Nutex Bars are one of the healthiest snacking bars available to the Riders. The Nutex Bars are loaded with healthy Oats, Nuts, Seeds and Berries which satisfies the hunger of riders with added health benefits. The bars have high amount of fibre that improves the gut and do not create any gastric problems on the ride. The bars have sufficient calories to keep the rider high on energy for at least 3 – 4 hours. As the bars are 100% natural, and free from any added chemicals, it is safe to consume, there is no chance of health issues arising due to snacking in the journey.

With our goal to reach out to the rider groups of Bengal and, to the best of the best adventurer, we came across Priyam Biswas. Priyam is one of the famous YouTuber and loved traveller, rider, adventurer of Bengal. Through his YouTube channel named Vlogger Babu, Priyam shares his journey and experience of his adventure rides with 10,000 and more YouTube subscribers. Priyam holds special love for his mother tongue and enjoy bringing contents in his regional language.

We were very happy to share our Nutex Energy Bars with Priyam, in a riders community meet up, when Priyam’s YouTube channel ‘Vlogger Babu’ achieved a milestone by gaining 10k YouTube Subscribers.  Priyam was very overwhelmed to receive the bars. He decided to take the Energy Bars on his adventure ride from Kolkata To Siliguri. He shared his genuine and true experience after having the bars on the journey. Watch the video below to know what Vlogger Babu Priyam has to say about Nutex Energy Bars while on the ride to the mountains.

Nutex Energy Bar Review By Vlogger Babu on his adventure ride from Kolkata To Siliguri.

We are fortunate that we have been appreciated by the riding community. Nutex is now happy to finds its place in the pockets of the riders. Please find some more pictures of the riders. They are the light bearer of tomorrow’s adventure rides and shall bring more life to the riding community.

We promise to serve the riding community with the best healthy convenient snacks in order to make their rides more peaceful and memorable. We aim to reach out to more riders; support them on their rides and help them accomplish their goals. 

Nutex believes that adventure is a way of life. We all need little bit of adventure in our life. Adventures act as a gateway to free ourselves from the monotony of life. Adventure is the source of all thrills; the spark that gives the life an opportunity to explore our potentials and live the life little bit more. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, it has now become more important than ever to include the element of adventure in our lives.

Cheers To Riding! Cheers To Adventure!

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